Nexian Slank a.k.a Nexian NX-G503 is new theme phone from Nexian after Nexian She and Nexian Bola.
Nexian Slank is pointed to the Slanker music lover market.
The price of Nexian Slank NX-G503 is also reachable which only 499,000 rupiah.
The following are the specifications of Nexian Slank NX-G503:
-Dual GSM 900/1800MHz
-Camera 0.1 Megapixel CMOS-
-Facebook & Twitter Slankers, Slanker Messenger, Mini album Jurus Tandur No 18, Slank back tone, About Slank, Slankipedia-
-Y!M, MSN, Skype-
-Voice Recorder, Audio Recorder, Support External Memory-
-MP3 Player, Video Player, FM Radio
-Indonesian – English language
-GPRS Class 12, Bluetooth
-2.0 inch LCD display
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