BlackBerry Bold 9700 Indosat White Edition Pre Order Price With BNI Matrix Credit Card, Style Titanium & Platinum, BNI Biru and BNI Emas
BlackBerry Bold 9700 Indosat White Edition informed has already been opened for pre-order at Indosat website.
The price of BB Bold 9700 White Edition is started from 3.99 million rupiah.
For the BNI Card holders, there are several benefits which can be gotten such as a million rupiah discount for 200 users who make orders with BNI Matrix Credit Card, Style Titanium & Platinum or 750000 discount fo BNI Blue and BNI Gold Credit Card.
The BNI Credit Card holders would also get free BIS Reguler support for 6 months.
The promo valid from May 24 to June 6 2010.

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