Certainly, if we're going to live in a future where console jockeys and other cyberpunk-types run amok in virtual reality dreamscapes, we're going to have to start seeing more cut-rate video eyewear. For most cowboys, dropping $800 on something by Vuzix is just not an option. Luckily, the gang at Chinavasion have recently sourced some generic, relatively inexpensive "Video Eyeglasses." Priced at $135 (with the cost dropping when you buy at bulk) these bad boys feature a simulated display size of forty inches and QVGA (320 x 240) resolution. But that ain't all! It even ships with its own generic media player, sporting 2GB storage and support for the usual file formats (including DivX, XviD, MPEG2, AVI, MP3, and FLAC) as well as ROMs for NES and Sega. Seems pretty straight forward, right? The only question we have left is: if viewed through Video Glasses, will The Girlfriend Experience have a plot? Because when we saw it on IFC, we're pretty sure it didn't. Get a closer look after the break.
source : engadget.com
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